Jonathan Henry Schwartz

Jon was born on April 5th, 1982 in Boston, MA.

Jon lived in Randolph, MA for the first ~2 years of his life. When his sister was born, the house he and his parents lived in (happily) was a bit too small, so they packed up and moved to Canton, MA and never looked back.

In 4th grade, Jon learned to play clarinet.

In 6th grade, Jon met Blake who would soon become his best friend and partner in crime (for which, they are still on the lamb).

In 9th grade, Jon joined the Canton High School band. This is where Jon learned to lug up to 9 instruments around the band room at once trying to get into the seniors’ good graces. This is also where his core group of Canton friends would form the unstoppable juggernaut they are today. As a group, they organized frisbee tournaments and impromptu non-school-sanctioned field trips to the movie theater on half days.

Freshman year of college at Northeastern was a challenge for Jon. He was sick for most of the year and ended up sleeping alot. This year did, however, introduce Jon to yet another core group of his friends, his Boston friends. They would go on late night Store 24 runs for ice cream or cross-town walks to Bova’s for good bread/late night eats.

After freshman year, Jon went to Bridgewater State College where he received bachelor’s degrees in both Computer Science and Psychology. While there, he built GIR, a drink serving robot.

Jon is currently working at MediRegs in Wellesley, MA as a software engineer (he rarely engineers software so a more apt title is really computer guru). He lives in Revere, MA (pronounced “reveah”) with Jenn and Kittle Dog.

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